Couple with three kids thinks they’re having another baby, father faints when they learn it’s triplets

[post_page_title]Growing their family[/post_page_title]
Life appeared to be going well, and Robert and Nina decided it was finally time to tie the knot. The pair planned their big day before finally walking down the aisle in August 2014. This was a whole new stage in their relationship. However, it wasn’t long before the family was going to get turned on its head. That’s right; there was going to be another new addition. Nina was pregnant.

Growing their family

The couple were thrilled and couldn’t wait to learn if they were going to have a boy or a girl. It wasn’t until they arrived at the doctor’s office they discovered they weren’t going to welcome one baby – they were having twins. The best bit? They were both boys meaning their family of three would soon become five. Alexander and Riley were born in May 2015, and it looked as though their family was finally complete.

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