Couple with three kids thinks they’re having another baby, father faints when they learn it’s triplets

[post_page_title]Family of five[/post_page_title]
Nina is now known as the 1-2-3 mom, and there’s a good reason: she had one baby, followed by twins, and finally followed by triplets. Yes, Robert and Nina’s family was about to grow faster than either of them ever imagined as that fateful scan showed the expecting mother that she was pregnant with three babies. It turned out this defied all the odds. In fact, her doctor confessed that Nina’s pregnancies happened in less than one in 1,000 births.

Family of five

It amazed everyone, especially the medical team who had never seen anything like it before. It was incredibly rare to have triplets, let alone twins followed by triplets in one lifetime. The Tolbert family looked as though it was one that never did things by halves, and were determined to break all the records along the way. Now, they just had to learn how to raise five youngsters at once.

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