Nature’s early warning signs that hint disaster is about to strike

[post_page_title]Beware caves in a full moon[/post_page_title]
Nothing can be more romantic than a moonlit trip along the beach. And if you and your sweetheart happen across a cave, it may be tempting to scamper inside for some privacy or exploration. We hate to rain on your parade, but that’s probably not a good idea if there’s either a new or a full moon in the sky.

Beware caves in a full moon

No, the danger isn’t werewolves; it’s the tide. During these two phases of the moon, tide is called spring tide. That means that during high tide, the water will rise especially high because the sun, Earth, and moon are all aligned, which pulls on the tide more than usually. You don’t want to be caught in a cavern during that.

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