Nature’s early warning signs that hint disaster is about to strike

[post_page_title]Beware J-shaped trees[/post_page_title]
Have you ever been out hiking in the woods and encountered curiously J-shaped trees in your path? There’s a reason those trees have been bent into that particular shape, and you should probably get out of there as soon as possible, because they’re a sign of an impending landslide. When the ground is slowly but surely shifting, trees tend to grow into that unusual shape.

Beware J-shaped trees

Another telltale sign of a landslide is cracking on the ground, whether it’s actual pavement or just the dirt. Areas in dangers of landslides are ones that have been hit by them before, meaning lighting here does strike twice in the same place. However, landslides usually occur on slopes, so you’re safe on even ground.

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