When he paid $500 for a storage unit he never expected to find this inside

[post_page_title]A strange discovery[/post_page_title]
The woman continued to explain how her family friend had managed to outbid everyone else at the auction, and needed just $500 to claim the storage unit as his own. He searched through the items until he saw it: a safe. These units can throw up all kinds of objects, and it’s not unusual to find old safes stored in them only to be forgotten.

Unfortunately, they are usually empty by the time the bidders get their hands on them. This man was willing to take the risk and was desperate to know what was inside. Now, all he needed to do was make some calls to local locksmiths to get inside the mysterious safe. As the door swung open for the first time, the man was able to see his life was about to change forever.

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