The sweetest photos of Meghan Markle through her pregnancy

[post_page_title]Sharing an umbrella[/post_page_title]
There’s nothing like a loving couple sharing an umbrella. This was a particularly sweet moment these two shared while they were taking a tour of Australia and was the first tour they took after announcing the pregnancy. It’s pretty clear from whichever perspective you look at it that Meghan is entirely in love with Harry.

Sharing an umbrella

Of course, the same can be said the other way round, but the way Meghan looked at him while he delivered the speech was undeniable. This picture was taken a little later on, once the speech was over and the couple could get a little cozier under the umbrella. Harry clearly has his arm around Meghan, who is much shorter than him. This is the first of many adorable pictures of the couple during Meghan’s pregnancy.

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