This man uncovered a World War II bunker when a hole appeared in his driveway

[post_page_title]Not your average morning[/post_page_title]
This is where it all started – on one October morning in 2016, Simon left his house, jumped in the car, and started to reverse off his driveway. Only that morning he was having trouble backing out – something was obviously stopping the wheel from turning. However it was early morning, and Simon wasn’t exactly a lively morning person, so he pressed on the gas, and managed to pull the car off the driveway.

Not your average morning

A bump on the driveway was not exactly the best thing to happen to his newly bought house, but Simon managed to put it to the back of his mind and continue on his way to work. He could deal with that later he thought. Simon would never have guessed that later, this bump in the pavement would turn into a whole different issue.

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