This man uncovered a World War II bunker when a hole appeared in his driveway

[post_page_title]“Get digging, Son.”[/post_page_title]
Needing reinforcements and an extra pair of hands, Simon called his dad and other professionals to assess the problem with a new set of eyes. The further and further Simon and his troops explored the ever-growing crater, something just didn’t feel right. It didn’t feel like a sinkhole anymore – instead, it almost felt more like a human-made hole.

“Get digging, Son.”

Simon and his dad simply had to get to the bottom of this problem – quite literally. It was painstaking work for the two of them, and they were undoubtedly a confused pair of diggers. One thing for sure was that Simon’s driveway would never be the same again. As they dug deeper and deeper, a new surprising turn of events was about to unfold before their very eyes.

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