Zach and Tori Roloff from ‘Little People, Big World’ speak candidly about their money problems

[post_page_title]Getting hitched[/post_page_title]
After a few years together, Zach decided to make an honest woman of his first and only girlfriend. He knew that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her, and they eventually got hitched in July 2015. Although the couple knew that they wanted to welcome a child into the world, they were skeptical about getting pregnant.

Getting hitched

Because Zach has dwarfism and Tori does not, they knew there was a 50% chance that their subsequent child would also be diagnosed with the condition. They decided to take the risk, and they eventually welcomed baby Jackson into the world on May 12, 2017. The couple discovered that Jackson had dwarfism when Tori was 34 weeks pregnant, but they do not love him any less.

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