Funniest gifts people ever gave their significant others

Funniest gifts people ever gave their significant others

Isn’t love grand? The movie nights, the late night ice cream runs, the cuddling, the deep meaningful conversations that bring you closer and closer. Yeah, that’s the good stuff. There’s so much to gain from being in a romantic relationship, and the gifts are another fun little perk. But while some gifts are generic and repetitive, some couples like to go above and beyond.
Because while relationships can certainly be great, they also require a lot of hard work to maintain. It’s important to keep things fresh, and one way to do that is to spice things up with a meaningful gift. But these couples took things even further. They wanted to add humor to the mix as well. Every loving relationship has its own “code,” if you will, and some romances have laughter as their lowest common denominator.
Soon we will embark on a journey through hilarious gifts that people have given their significant others over the years. Their genius lies in their ability to mix the funny with the beautiful – so if you’re in a relationship yourself, you should probably be taking notes!
[post_page_title]More than acceptable[/post_page_title]
Do you think that this couple might have a love for the fantasy genre? We think so… It addition to the very talented artwork displayed here, the detailed word art along with the well crafted sword drawing clearly indicates these two aren’t your typical couple.
More than acceptable

But the funniest thing here is of course the drawing on the right. The little man exclaiming loudly, “I find you acceptable!” – is nothing short of hilarious, and extremely cute.

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