Hollywood stars who have walked down the aisle at least 3 times

[post_page_title]Angelina Jolie (3 times)[/post_page_title]
While most people are still mourning the end of Angelina Jolie’s most recent marriage to Brad Pitt, no one has forgotten her other two, slightly more bizarre marriages. By bizarre, we are referring to the way Jolie showed her love to her previous husbands. For her first, Johnny Lee Miller, she wore a white shirt with her groom’s name written in her blood to the wedding.

Angelina Jolie (3 times)

For her second, Billy Bob Thornton, she wore a vial of his blood around her neck – granted he did have a vial of her blood around his neck, too. While both of those marriages lasted about three years, the one to pit was only about two years, though they were together for ten.

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