Iconic movie costumes that audiences could never forget

[post_page_title]John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John – Grease[/post_page_title]
“Tell me about it… stud.” Need we say more? We don’t need to, but we will anyway, because there’s just so much to say about these two. The truth is, while Danny and Sandy, played respectively by John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John, were the main characters of this film, everyone who appeared on screen wore iconic outfits.

John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John – Grease

The Grease-Lightning crew. The Pink Ladies. However, the best moment came at the very end, when Sandy sheds her goody-two-shoes “Sandra Dee” look, and becomes the spicy new Sandy that makes Danny go wild. When she does this, it’s a massive shock to not just the characters, but to all of us watching as well.

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