These funny and awkward photos could only be taken in Brazil

[post_page_title]The perfect match[/post_page_title]
It seems as though the colors of Brazil’s flag are some of the most recognized in the world. Using green and yellow on anything can make anything feel as though it’s from the country. So what about when you are so proud of your flag that you want to show it off to the rest of the world? It appears these women thought that green and yellow made the perfect base for their dresses while the blue starry sky was a brilliant addition to the middle of the piece.

The perfect match

It looks like they’re off for a day of fun as they take their matching outfits to the street. Thankfully, these women know that temperatures tend to sore in Brazil and have armed themselves with a handheld fan each to keep the heat at bay. There is loving your country, and then there’s embracing it as part of your everyday life.

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