[post_page_title]A new career[/post_page_title]
There seems to be a trend when it comes to mugshots and seemingly attractive people, and one woman realized the true potential of a mugshot in February 2018. Marshala Perkins is a 19-year-old college student, who was arrested for the possession of an illicit substance.
When her mugshot was later shared for the whole world to see, people couldn’t get over her incredible makeup skills. She was praised for her lashes, her brows, and her eyeshadow, and the comments section of the mugshot was inundated with makeup fans. In November 2018, the Independent newspaper noted that Marshala had been contacted by a makeup company to launch her own line.
[post_page_title]Newfound fame[/post_page_title]
Because there are so many felons who have made a name for themselves thanks to their mugshots, it should come as no surprise to learn that Charles Dion McDowell has also seen the benefits of an intriguing mugshot.
Unlike the other famous felons, Charles has not been contacted by a modeling agency or a makeup company but has simply been recognized for an extremely large body part. It’s hard to miss it when you take a look at the photograph, and it didn’t take long for the people of Facebook to also pick up on his huge feature. But what is so special about Charles and his mugshot?

The greatest NBA dynasties of all time
The goal for any basketball franchise is to build a dynasty that fans and experts will be talking about for