The most unusual things to have been spotted in the supermarket

[post_page_title]Braving the cold[/post_page_title]
Don’t you hate it when the thing that you’re looking for is never within easy reach? Obviously, whatever this woman wanted was right at the bottom of the freezer, so she had to dig deep to reach it.

Unfortunately, no matter how hard she tried, the item in question remained just out of her grasp. That’s probably how she ended up with half of her body submerged in the cold depths of the freezer unit. Hopefully, she’ll manage to find her way out again once she’s got what she wanted.
[post_page_title]Trapped wind[/post_page_title]
We can tell from this picture that this guy likes to be quite the joker whenever he’s around his friends and family. He’s seen the name of this store and instantly decided to try and get a few laughs from the people he’s with.

No-one inside the unfortunately named ‘hotwind’ appears to have noticed what this man is doing to the amusement of his traveling buddies. It’s probably for the best that they haven’t seen him. They might not find his antics as funny as the rest of us.

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