Woman saves her partner’s life from 9,000 miles away during their casual phone call

Woman saves her partner’s life from 9,000 miles away during their casual phone call

Disaster can strike without warning, and often at the most inopportune times. A person can find themselves suddenly faced with a very dangerous situation, requiring a sharp mind and prompt action to see it through safely. That’s exactly what happened to one woman, who realized her partner was in danger during a very-long-distance call.
[post_page_title]An ordinary call[/post_page_title]
It was a call like any other for Madisen Trudell. While in the United States, she had made a long-distance call to her boyfriend, Joseph, who was in Brisbane, Australia. The couple were struggling a little with being so far apart, and had been speaking to each other over the phone on a regular basis.
An ordinary call

During this call, however, Madisen suddenly spotted some very strange behavior on the part of Joseph.

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