Nadia Comaneci's epic journey

[post_page_title]Creating new moves[/post_page_title]
A gymnastics move actually has an official name – an element. When someone does an element with grace and finesse, the judges usually go wild and award high points.

Romanian gymnast Nadia Comaneci performs a perfect jump-off from the uneven bars as she finishes her daily practice at the Montreal gymnasts' training site, July 13, 1976. The 14-year-old is expected to succeed Russian gymnast Olga Korbut as the darling of the 1976 Summer Games. (AP Photo)
Creating new moves

Comaneci created a bunch of brand new elements in her time as a gymnast, many of which are still used today. When asked how one goes about creating new elements, Comaneci laughed and said that they are nearly always just created by accident.

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